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5 Reasons You Should Never Mount a TV Above Fireplace

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Do you have a fireplace in your home? If so, there are many reasons why you should not mount your tv above fireplace. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 of the most important reasons why TV mounting over fireplaces is a bad idea!

It’s a fire hazard

One of the most important reasons you should not mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it can be a danger to your family. The fireplace will act as a chimney for any smoke or sparks which means if you are watching tv above the flames, then those soot and ash particles could fall on top of you while trying to watch tv. This is extremely dangerous for anyone watching tv!

– It’s not safe

Another reason you should never mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it isn’t safe. Especially during the winter, if someone were to accidentally start a fire or leave something near your tv that catches on fire, then there would be no other way out of the room other than the tv. This is also very dangerous for anyone watching tv!

You can’t see the TV from all angles

Another one of the most important reasons you should not mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it simply isn’t practical. If your tv was mounted above a fireplace, then there would be no way to see the tv from all angles in your room! This means if someone were sitting on an opposite side of the couch or chair than where the tv is mounted, they would not be able to see tv clearly.

The TV will be in your field of view 

Another one of the most important reasons you should not mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it will be distracting to others when they are sitting on the couch or at the dining table. If there was a tv above your fireplace, then you would still be able to see part of tv in your field of view while trying to converse with someone. This is distracting for others and it would be way better to have tv mounted on a different wall in your living room.

The higher up a TV is, the worse its picture quality becomes 

Another one of the most important reasons you should not mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it can ruin tv picture quality! When TVs are mounted higher up, there will be more reflections on the screen and this means less light to enter in. This causes a lack of brightness which leads to poor image clarity for your tv.

Mounting a TV over a fireplace decreases its value 

Another one of the most important reasons you should not mount tv’s over fireplaces is that it will make tv less valuable! If tv was mounted right above your fireplace, then it would decrease its value significantly and could prevent someone from buying your home down the line. This is because buyers typically prefer living room layouts with tv screens below eye level.

If you have a tv, then it is important to mount your tv on a wall where there are no fireplaces. This will ensure that everyone in the room can enjoy watching tv and they won’t be at risk of getting hurt!


We hope this article has given you some insight on reasons why not to mount a TV above your fireplace. Remember, these are just suggestions and there may be exceptions depending on the size of your room or other factors. If you have any additional questions about mounting TVs in general, please feel free to contact us for more information!

5 Reasons You Should Never Mount a TV Above Fireplace

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